Foundation leveling is a foundation repair process that levels a home’s lowest point so it matches the height of its highest point. The goal is to make a house’s structure safe, structurally sound, and ready for future occupants.
Every foundation settles into the soil a little bit after it’s built, and that’s perfectly normal. The problem is when a foundation settles unevenly, called differential settlement. Differential settlement can cause a variety of problems, from cracks in the walls and ceiling to uneven floors.
Pier and Beam Alternative
A pier and beam foundation is made of a series of brick or concrete block pieces that crisscross around the perimeter of a home. These foundations can be very unstable and susceptible to damage, especially when the underlying drainage system isn’t working correctly.
There are several ways to repair a pier and beam foundation. One way is to install steel rebar to hold the foundation in place. Another way is to reseal and waterproof the foundation.
The third way to fix a pier and beam foundation is to use post tension cables or steel rods to pull the foundation inward. This technique can be very effective, but it requires more time and work than other methods.
Regardless of the method, foundation leveling is an essential part of repairing a settling foundation. It helps to get your home back to its original height and prevents the same issues from recurring in the future.
Foundation repair experts use different methods to level a foundation depending on the type of foundation they’re working with. This includes slab foundations and pier and beam foundations.
Concrete Slab Foundations
The majority of concrete slabĀ Home foundation repair have a large sheet of concrete that is poured directly onto the ground and reinforced with rebar. These slabs have concrete piers that connect the slab to the house.
Piers can be buried under the floor of a home or they can be placed in an existing wall. The piers are connected to the walls by post tension cables or steel rods.
Some pier and beam foundations also have concrete footings that extend out to the ground and support the structure above. The footings are anchored to the house and can be reinforced with rebar or post tension cables.
These footings are a critical part of the foundation’s stability, but they can be easily damaged by water and other debris. They should be inspected and repaired regularly by foundation repair professionals to keep your home stable.
Clay Soil
Soils that contain a high percentage of clay are notorious for expanding when it absorbs moisture and shrinking when it dries out. They are prone to differential settlement when the soil dries out, making it more difficult for the foundation to be leveled.
Poor Drainage
A leaking or blocked sewer line can also lead to a settling foundation. The leaks can create excess moisture in the soil underneath the home, which causes expansive clay soil to swell and push against the foundation.